Dismantling White Supremacy: “You’ve Had the Power All Along My Dear”

Reading this title could be a double entendre. “You’ve had the power all along, My Dear.”

Whites in this country have had the power all along. Ergo, it’s time to allow others to seize and embrace their own power.


You can also hear it this way: the power to change a culture which tolerates, allows and even encourages a society where white supremacists feel their message is one of value to the world, starts from within.

Either way, it’s time to start listening to our inner voice; the one that spurs us to good.

If you missed it, or if you’d love to hear it again, listen to last Sunday’s sermon from Guest Minister, Rev. Jenn Tafel, on seizing our personal power and being the one, among others, to bring about needed change.


Photo taken by @JennTafel at Niagara Falls