#MindfulMonday is Sunday’s Sermon: #Epiphany

belief and questioning


New Church of Montgomery

Sermon, Sunday, January 7, 2018


Old Testament

Isaiah 60: 1-6, Psalm 72: 1-7, 10-14

New Testament

Matthew 2: 1-2


What are we to take from these messages? What are we to learn?

In Advent we had weeks of anticipation, for a baby’s birth.

Now that he has been born, and celebrated, what now?

We are told that there are 12 days of Christmas, a procession of gifts. Calling birds. Maids a milking. Ladies dancing. Five gold rings.

It is a parade of gifts.

Birth – Arrival – Adoration

We are celebrating a King’s birth, our Lord’s arrival.

But that is not all.

We are learning to find joy in the birth of all new things.

That life is precious, and that we are promised renewal and new life.

Development – Natural

Of course, this comes in stages. We develop over years.

It takes time for us to grow and develop.

To become aware, knowledgeable and strong.

It is a natural process, inherent in our cells,

Built into our being, our very essence.

Invention – Education – Shaping

We stretch and grow.

We are shaped both by nature and by nurture.

We learn from others.

We are shaped and become inventors of ourselves.

Creators of the new.

Serendipity – Synchronicity

Things also happen by chance.

With serendipity.

With synchronicity.

We notice coincidences and rejoice.

Discovery – Aha!

The nature of our lives, our very nature, is to be discoverers.

To celebrate the great Aha’s of our lives.

We must watch for the stars in our lives to follow, to be alert for life’s promised Aha’s.


Reflection – Meaning

So what are we to make of these stories, these processes of life unfolding, these surprises and blessed gifts?

What is their meaning to us?

Why does it matter?

We receive and we are blessed, as if by magic, naturally, but also in a holy fashion.

Gratitude – All that is born in us is signified by adoring the child.

It matters because the essence of life is birth, and new birth, and celebrating our continuing renewal.

All that is born in us again and again is signified by the birth of this child, and our bringing our adoration to him and to the holy family.

We are grateful.

We are blessed.

And blessed we are a blessing.

Be a blessing!


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